Les Règles ont cent ans (As Regras comemoram cem anos)


  • Jean Duvignaud


RESUMO Estuda a gênese do conceito de fato social no pensamento de Émile Durkheim, detendo-se na interpretação da idéia do “fato social como coisa”. Analisa o sentido da distinção entre o normal e o patológico em Durkheim, assim como as suas limitações e o seu lugar na sociologia contemporânea. ABSTRACT The Rules celebrates a hundred years. v. 23, n. 1, p. 71-74, Jan./Jun. 1995. Studies the origin of the concept of social fact in Émile Durkheim’s thought, with special attention to the interpretation of his conception of “social fact as a thing”. Analyses the meaning of the distinction between the normal and the pathological in Émile Durkheim’s thought. Studies the main critiques to Durkheim’s contributions to sociological theory and methods, as well as his limitations and his place in contemporary sociology. RÉSUMÉ Les Règles célébrent cent ans. v. 23, n. 1, p. 71-74, jan./jun. 1995. L’auteur étudie la genèse du concept de fait social dans la pensée d’ Émile Durkheim en s’étendant sur l’interprétation de l’idée du “fait social en tant que chose.” Il analise la distintion entre le normal et le pathologique chez Durkheim, ainsi comme ses limitations et la place qu’il ocupe dans la sociologie contempóraine.


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How to Cite

Duvignaud, J. (2011). Les Règles ont cent ans (As Regras comemoram cem anos). Ciência & Trópico, 23(1). Retrieved from https://fundaj.emnuvens.com.br/CIC/article/view/582

