Zé Lins, Flamengo até morrer


  • Edilberto Coutinho


RESUMO Partindo da constatação de que o escritor José Lins do Rego é a figura de intelectual brasileiro mais exemplar como ponte de ligação entre literatura e futebol, o autor analisa a presença desse esporte no trabalho jornalístico daquele escritor e explora o seu interesse paralelo por futebol e literatura. Enfatiza, sobretudo, a sua ligação com o Flamengo, através de textos do escritor enfocado e de outros intelectuais. ABSTRACT Zé Lins, a Flamengo fan to the death. v. 19, n. 1, p. 47-56, jan./jun. 1991 Begining with the verification that the writer José Lins do Rego is the most exemplary Brazilian intellectual figure as a bridge between literature and football (soccer), the author analyses the presence of this sport in the journalistic work of that writer and examines his parallel interest in football (soccer) and literature. He especialy emphasizes his bond with the Flamengo football (soccer) team through texts of the aforementioned writer and of other intellectuals. RESUMÉ Zé Lins, Flamengo jusqu’à la mort. v. 19, n 1, p. 47-56, jan./jun. 1991 Partant du fait que écrivain José Lins do Rego est l’intellectuel brésilien qui pourrait le mieux représenter ce lien entre la littérature et le football, l’auteur analyse la présence de ce sport dans le travail journalistique de l’écrivain et explore son intérêt pour le football et la littérature. A travers les différents textes de Zé Lins et d’autres intellectuels, l’auteur montre l’attachement de Zé Lins à ce club de football: le Flamengo.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, E. (2011). Zé Lins, Flamengo até morrer. Ciência & Trópico, 19(1). Retrieved from https://fundaj.emnuvens.com.br/CIC/article/view/454

