De Giddings a Recassens


  • Gilberto Freyre


RESUMO O Autor ressalta o generalismo sociológico em Giddings e Recassens Siches, vindo, posteriormente, ao confronto entre as sociologias sistemáticas e assistemáticas. Numa abordagem singular sobre estas últimas, destaca Recassens Siches pelo enriquecimento das perspectivas sociológicas através de uma visão científica sempre humanizada, transbordando nas análises conjuntas de comportamentos humanos e condicionamentos histórico-sociais. Assim é que os fatores culturais são considerados em sua complexidade – sócio-jurídica, antropológica, ecológica, filosófica. É a identificação de uma sociologia situada no complexo cultural hispânico transpondo condicionamentos através de aglutinações, interrelações e interpenetrações socioculturais. ABSTRACT From Giddings to Recassens. v. 15, n. 1, p. 7-14, jan./ jun. 1987. The Author emphasizes the sociological generalism in Giddings and Recassens Siches’work, making a comparison afterwards between systematic sociologies and asystematic ones. With a singular approach about these disciplines he detaches Recassens Siches by the enrichment of the sociological perspectives through a scientific vision always humanized, and full of combined analyses of human behavior and historico-social elements. This way the cultural factors are considered in its socio-juridical, anthropological, ecological and philosophical complexity. It is the identification of a sociology located in the Spanish. cultural complex transposing elements through agglutinations, interrelationships and socio-cultural interpenetrations. RÉSUMÉ De Giddings à Recassens. v. 15, n. 1, p. 7-14, jan./ jun. 1987. L'auteur met en relief la généralité sociologique de Giddings et Recassens Siches et fait une comparaison entre les sociologiques systématiques et asystématiques. Dans un abordage singulier sur ces derniers, il détache Recassens Siches par l’enrichissement des perspectives sociologiques à travers une vision scientifique toujours humanisée, transbordant dans les analyses des comportements humains et des conditionnements historico-sociaux. Les facteurs culturels sont considéres dans leur complexité socio-juridique, anthropologique, écologique, philosophique. C’est l’identification d’une sociologie située dans le complexe culturel hispanique transposant les conditionnements à travers les agglutinations, les interrelations et les interpénétrations socio-culturelles.


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How to Cite

Freyre, G. (2011). De Giddings a Recassens. Ciência & Trópico, 15(1). Retrieved from

