Board of Directors and Gender Diversity

Corporate Governance in State-Owned Companies in Amazon




It presents the principles of corporate governance and the role of the Board of Directors as a fundamental pillar in this management system to achieve improvement and effectiveness in the management of state-owned companies, contributing to their development based on good corporate governance practices. The method used was historical-dialectical materialism. The research included a bibliographic survey of productions that deal with the theme of the study. The intention is to contribute to the analysis of the use of good governance practices to support the implementation of the commands of the new State-Owned Companies Accountability Law (Law No. 13,303/2016) so that it is possible for the standard to fulfill its role as an instrument of economic policy and that state-owned companies can supply the inputs and services of their responsibility with quality and transparency of management.  generating credibility and facilitating its sustainable development.

 Keywords: Corporate Governance. Board of Directors. State-owned enterprises. Amazonian


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Author Biographies

Suzanna E. Assayag

Especialização Lato Sensu em Gestão Pública com ênfase em Gestão Pública – EGPA. Especialização em Coaching. Febracis Coaching. Especialização em Gestão de Pessoas. Febracis Coaching. Curso Superior de Tecnologia (CTS). Faci Wyden. Graduação em Comunicação Social. Universidade da Amazônia-UNAMA. Email:

Leila Márcia Sousa de Lima Elias

Doutora em Desenvolvimento Socioambiental. Mestre em Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional. Docente da Escola de Governança do Pará – EGPA e PPGP/NAEA/UFPA. Email:



How to Cite

E. Assayag, S., & Sousa de Lima Elias, L. M. (2024). Board of Directors and Gender Diversity: Corporate Governance in State-Owned Companies in Amazon. Ciência & Trópico, 48(1).

