Uma companhia urbana de Pernambuco no século XIX: a do Beberibe
RESUMO Histórico da Companhia do Beberibe e as tentativas de solucionar o problema de abastecimento d’água no Recife e Olinda, desde inícios do século passado. Os esforços paralelos de Vauthier que, assumindo a direção da Repartição de Obras Públicas em 1842, elabora projeto objetivando melhoria no abastecimento para implantação do sistema de encanamento. As relações entre as medidas tomadas pela Companhia e as decisões do Governo Provincial. Contratos públicos e particulares para fornecimento de água potável e a implantação de novos chafarizes pelo Governo através da Companhia do Beberibe. ABSTRACT An urban water supply company in Pernambuco in the XIX century: the Company of Beberibe. v. 3, n. 1, p. 25-39, jan./jun. 1975. A historic account of the Beberibe Water Supply Company in its attempts to find a solution to the problems of water supply in Recife and Olinda, since the begginings of the last century. Vauthier assumed direction of the Repartição de Obras Públicas (Public Services Division) in 1842 and at this time developed a parallel project with the objective of improving the water resources of the two cities. The program proposed by him involved the instalation of a hydraulic system to serve the Provincial Government, public and private contracts were established which made possible the implementation of sources for potable water. Through the financial assistance of the government the Company was able to improve the water resources of Olinda and Recife. RESUMÉ Une compagnie urbaine de Pernambuco au XIX siécle: celle de Beberibe. v. 3, n. 1, p. 25-39, jan./jun. 1975. Un aperçu sur la Compagnie de Beberibe et les tentatives de résoudre le problème d’aprovisionnement d’eau de Recife et Olinda, depuis le début du siécle passé: les efforts parallèles de Vauthier qui, prenant la direction de la Division d’Oeuvres Publiques en 1942, élabore un projet dans l’objectif d’améliorer l’approvisionnement par l’implantation du système de canalisation. Les relations entre les mesures prises par la Compagnie et les décisions du Gouvernement Provincial. Contracts publics et particuliers pour l’approvisionnement d’eau potable et l’implantation de nouvelles fontaines par le gouvernement à travers la Compagnie de Beberibe.Downloads
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How to Cite
Jucá, J. V. (2011). Uma companhia urbana de Pernambuco no século XIX: a do Beberibe. Ciência & Trópico, 3(1). Retrieved from