DEADLINE EXTENSION: Call for articles for special issue of Cadernos de Estudos Sociais: Ethnic-Racial, Gender and Regional Inequalities in Education


Theme: Ethnic-racial, gender and regional inequalities in education

Submission Deadline: 12/05/2022

This call is intended to be part of a special issue of the magazine “Cadernos de Estudos Sociais”, edited by Fundação Joaquim Nabuco. Title: Ethnic-racial, gender and regional inequalities in education”. 

The processes of accelerated urbanization, industrialization in the last 30 years of the 20th century, in Brazil, resulted in the expansion of public services, notably those of education. However, they proved ineffective to erode the socioeconomic, racial, ethnic-racial, gender and regional effects in the educational stratification process. In recent decades (2003 – 2016), governments have adopted more inclusive public policies to combat different forms of inequalities. Nonetheless, the Covid-19 pandemic has opened up and deepened existing inequalities, showing, among other things, how persistent and stratified the Brazilian education system is. 

This thematic edition will welcome works that address issues related to ethnic-racial, gender and regional inequalities in Education in Brazil and in other parts of the world in their multiple dimensions and aspects, according to the most varied theoretical-methodological approaches (quantitative and qualitative), without distinctions or preferences. The submission of works that expose and debate innovative experiences with regard to anti-racist, feminist and anti-sexist pedagogical and educational practices is also encouraged. Articles must be sent exclusively through the journal’s website and following its rules, available at the link The articles will be published in Portuguese (or Spanish) and English, with no translation cost for the authors. The forecast for publication of the thematic issue is in the first half of 2023. 


Article categories: original articles, systematic and integrative reviews, reflections and experience reports, reviews and interviews.

Assessment process: peer review.

Deadline to submit the articles: December 5th of 2022

Forecast to publish approved articles: First half of 2023.

Platform for submission:

Article preparation: Strictly follow the Author Guidelines.

Note: Inform in the Letter to the Editors that the manuscript is intended for the thematic issue Ethnic-racial, gender and regional inequalities in education”.

Languages for submission: Portuguese, Spanish or English.  

Languages for publication: Portuguese or Spanish and English.

Costs for the author: Cadernos de Estudos Sociais has no fees for submission or publication. The translation of articles submitted from Portuguese to English is carried out by the journal at no cost to the authors.


To contact the journal:



Carlos Augusto Sant’Anna Guimarães

Isabel Pessoa de Arruda Raposo

Felícia Picanço (UFRJ)



Guidelines for authors

Non-observance of the rules for publication by the authors or the absence of a direct relationship with the interdisciplinary field of the journal may result in the rejection of the article without evaluation of the work, and the author may resubmit it after its adaptation.

The responsibility for the initial review, referencing and formatting of the original text according to these standards is the sole responsibility of the authors. The non-observance of the Portuguese rules that result in the ineligibility of the content of the work is one of the criteria for refusal for publication.

To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review for submissions to the journal, some measures must be taken so that the authorship and review of the text are not revealed. For such, authors, editors and reviewers must take the following measures:

  1. The authors of the document should exclude their names from the text, replacing them with “Author(s)” and the year of publication, in references and throughout the entire work, instead of authors’ name(s), article title, etc., which must be included in the relevant area in the online submissions item;
  2. In the text editor used, the author’s identification must be removed from the document properties (usually in the menu File > Properties). In the case of Microsoft Office, starting from File in the main menu and clicking on the sequence: File > Save As... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from file on save > OK > Save;
  3. In PDF, authors’ names must also be removed from Document Properties, under File in the main menu;
  4. For original submissions, the journal prefers the “doc”, “odt” or “rtf” formats;
  5. In case of co-authorship, the names of all authors must be added at the time of submission. If some are not registered in the journal, it is necessary for them to register so that they can be notified of the evaluation process and included as authors in the case of acceptance and publication of the work. It is the responsibility of the authors and co-authors to include their names, with their respective titles and institutional affiliations, in the Cadernos de Estudos Sociais’online system, and the responsible author must, for the submission, to be legally responsible in the case of non-inclusion of all those involved in the elaboration of the text.

Submissions must follow the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) for publications in scientific journals.


Texts must be presented in A4 size, top and left margins of 3 cm, bottom and right margins of 2 cm, and in Word for Windows, LibreOffice or RTF, following the criteria described below. They must be written with 1,5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 font. The text must be justified.

Submission requirements: Originality; authorship information erased in the act of submission to preserve the secrecy involved in the act of double-blind evaluation.

Number of Pages and specifics:

Articles: 17 to 22 pages, NOT COUNTING PRE-TEXTUAL ELEMENTS such as cover, title page, etc. It only counts TITLES, ABSTRACTS, the BODY OF THE TEXT AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE.

Reviews: must have 6 to 10 pages and follow the rules for bibliographic references and intertitles. Reviews must present a critical analysis of recent publications registered in the ISBN system. The text must contain a technical sheet containing the publication data, be preceded by an abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish and from 3 (four) to 5 (five) keywords in the three languages. Keywords must be separated by commas, with the first letter in lowercase. The review must have a title that is different from the book being reviewed. Citations and references follow the general rules. Also, CES only accepts reviews of work up to 10 years old.

Interviews: should aim to expose the interviewee’s opinion and deepen the debate on the subject in question. The text must contain a brief presentation of the interviewee, the relevance and justifications for proposing the discussion of the topic. The interviews must have between 4 and 8 pages, be preceded by an abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish and from 3 (four) to 5 (five) keywords in the three languages. Keywords must be separated by commas, with the first letter in lowercase.

Abstract: Mandatory in the journal’s languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish). Placed two lines below the author’s name, after the title (also translated), start with the title in capital letters, Times New Roman style, size 11, single space, justified. Must have from 100 to 200 words. The same formatting must be followed for the second abstract in another language.

Author(s): Two lines below the title aligned to the right and followed by * (note form) which refers to the information of the author(s): affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID identifier.

Keywords: From 3 to 5, one line below the summary, separated by semicolons.

Title and subtitle; Topics: Title must be centered, Times New Roman 14 in capital letters and in the language in which they were written. Subtitles must be separated from the title by a colon. Both must be descriptive. Topics (including the introduction) must be numbered in Arabic from the introduction and in bold. Subtopics (secondary intertitles) must be numbered and in bold. Topics must be separated by a line from the body of the text, before and after. Secondary topics to subtopics must be numbered (e.g. 3.2.1), also in bold. At the end, the conclusion topic must also be numbered and must be called “Final Considerations” or “Conclusions”, respecting the above considerations about formatting. 

Acronyms and Emphasis: Acronyms must be spelled out in full on first use; emphasis exclusively in bold for Portuguese and in italics for foreign languages.

Citations and references: Must follow ABNT standards (NBR 10520; NBR 6023). 

Illustrations and Tables: Count as part of the body of the text. They must be numbered in sequence and must only be present if they are referenced in the text, indicating their relevance in the work. 

Attachments: Up to three, named as ATTACHMENT A, B and C - each attachment can have a maximum of one page; respecting copyright. They do not count towards the page limit.

Footnotes: Presented at the bottom of the page, using Word resources, in 10-point size, single-spaced (1.0) and justified. They should not make bibliographic references. 



  1. Submission Requirements

Only works through online submissions are accepted.

Formatting: The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for authors on the About the Journal page. Non-observance of the rules for publication by the authors may result in the rejection of the article without evaluation of the work, and the author may resubmit it after its adaptation. 

The responsibility for the initial review, referencing and formatting of the original text according to these standards is the sole responsibility of the authors. The non-observance of the Portuguese rules that result in the ineligibility of the content of the work is one of the criteria for refusal for publication.

Confidentiality: authorship information erased in the act of submission to preserve the secrecy involved in the double-blind evaluation act.

Originality: The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in “Comments to the editor”. 

System registration: All authors’ metadata are filled in correctly. (We emphasize that the mailing address of all authors is necessary for them to receive their copies). 


To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review, for submissions to the journal, all possible care must be taken not to reveal the identity of authors and reviewers among them during the process. This requires authors, editors, and reviewers (who are likely to upload documents to the system as part of the review process) to take some precautions with the text and document properties:

  1. The author(s) of the document excluded names from the text, replacing itwith "Author" and the year in references and footnotes, instead of names of authors, title of the article, etc.
  2. In Microsoft Office documents, the author identification must be removed from the document properties (in the File > Properties menu), starting in File, in the main menu, and clicking in the sequence: File > Save As... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove Personal Information from File on Save > OK > Save.
  3. For PDFs, author names must also be removed from Document Properties under File in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.
Copyright statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Author(s) keep and retain copyright. They grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under a Licença Creative Commons Attributionthat allows sharing the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Author(s) are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., to publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Privacy Policy

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties. Articles presented at scientific conferences and events may be submitted, provided that they are mentioned in a footnote.