International Production of Urban Informality and the “Informal Urban Nucleus” in Brazil


  • Renato Nunes Balbim Departamento de Planejamento Urbano e Política Pública da Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine.



The motto of this research is the recent Brazilian land regularization legislation, Law 13.465/2017, which created the neologism "informal urban nucleus" and formalized an approach to urban land exclusively as a real estate asset. Thus, efficiency in land use is sought from the broad title and insertion of assets in the said formal real estate market, assets that in the previous moment were also formally linked to the realization of rights to land tenure, housing, and the fulfillment of the social function of the property. This article presents a research theme, a working process, and some of its advances, its theoretical and conceptual links, part of the bibliographical review, research in Brazilian federal government and international agencies documents, and original and little explored research paths. It is, therefore, a synthesis of research in progress that aims to elaborate a more finished work on the origin of the informal term, its uses and meanings in different disciplines and contexts, until reaching the urban space production and reproduction.

Keywords: Informality. Informal Settlements. Urban nucleus. New Urban Agenda. Spatial Circuits.


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Author Biography

Renato Nunes Balbim, Departamento de Planejamento Urbano e Política Pública da Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine.

Professor e pesquisador visitante do Departamento de Planejamento Urbano e Política Pública da Universidade da Califórnia Irvine.



How to Cite

Balbim, R. N. (2023). International Production of Urban Informality and the “Informal Urban Nucleus” in Brazil. Ciência & Trópico, 47(1).